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Mindset, Muscle & Moderation with Jamie Alderton

Mindset, Muscle & Moderation with Jamie Alderton

Ex-British Army Officer, Natural Bodybuilding Champion, Transformation Coach, Podcast Host, Author of Mindset with Muscle & Grenade Fit Owner Jamie Alderton joins us today to talk shop on everything Mindset, his lessons from the Army & Moderation so you can get and stay in the shape you want Year round.


Jamie is an Ex British Army Soldier (Royal Signals 2003-2009), British Natural Bodybuilding Champion (Musclemania 2012), WBFF Professional Male Fitness Model (European Champion 2012), Body Transformation Coach and Fitness Entrepreneur.He’s also the creator of the “Mindset with Muscle” Podcast on iTunes and Author of Mindset with Muscle, Jamie’s recently released book. 2016 Jamie also opened Grenade Fit, his private training facility in the UK.


  • Jamie’s Habits, Routines & lessons from the Army
  • Fixed VS. Growth Mindset  &gaining Momentum
  • Why 80% mentality will produce more results
  • Process vs. outcome goals
  • How Jamie eat’s peanut M & M’s daily & stays in incredible shape year round
  • Getting your Brain to focus more on what you want.



Psycho-Cybernetics ~ Maxwell Maltz

The Obstacle is the Way ~ Ryan Holiday


Jamie’s Facebook

Jamie’s Instagram

Grenade Fit

Mindset with Muscle Podcast

Mindset with Muscle Book

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